Notary Services
A notary public is a third-party witness to not only the signature of a document but also the fact that all parties who signed did so willingly and under their own power. In order for a notary public to notarize a document, the person whose signature is being notarized must sign the document in the notary’s presence.
Notary services are free to currently enrolled full-time UMD College Park graduate students. We cannot provide services to UMD alumni, staff (including post-docs), faculty, or other members of the campus community.
Review the following before requesting an appointment:
- If your document does not contain a Notary Acknowledgement Certificate, please submit it with your appointment request for review. Our attorney will prepare the necessary certificate so it can be notarized.
- Do not sign the document/s prior to coming to Legal Aid. If you do so, you will be asked to re-sign in the notary's presence.
- Bring a valid, government-issued photo ID (driver's license, state ID, passport), and your UMD student ID.
- Typically the name on your ID must match the name on the document. If it does not, please notify us of that before your appointment.
- All required blanks on the document/s must be completed prior to your appointment.
- Review your document to determine if witnesses are needed. If so, notify our office in advance to ensure that we can assist you.
- All information provided to the notary public is kept confidential.
- Click on the box below to request an appointment.
Other Notary Service Options
If you need immediate or online assistance, consider the following businesses. This list is not all-inclusive nor is it an endorsement of any vendor.
- The City of College Park and the City of Takoma Park - free notarization for its residents
- The town of University Park offers notarization - not free
- The Montgomery County Circuit Court Law Library - free
- your local bank
- online notary services such as DocVerify, Notarize, NotaryCam, and Safedocs.