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Notary Services


A notary public is a third-party witness to not only the signature of a document but also the fact that all parties who signed did so willingly and under their own power.  In order for a notary public to notarize a document, the person whose signature is being notarized must sign the document in the notary’s presence. 

Notary services are free to currently enrolled full-time UMD College Park graduate students. We cannot provide services to UMD alumni, staff (including post-docs), faculty, or other members of the campus community. 

Review the following before requesting an appointment:

  1. If your document does not contain a Notary Acknowledgement Certificate, please submit it with your appointment request for review.  Our attorney will prepare the necessary certificate so it can be notarized.   
  2. Do not sign the document/s prior to coming to Legal Aid.  If you do so, you will be asked to re-sign in the notary's presence.
  3. Bring a valid, government-issued photo ID (driver's license, state ID, passport), and your UMD student ID.
  4. Typically the name on your ID must match the name on the document. If it does not, please notify us of that before your appointment.
  5. All required blanks on the document/s must be completed prior to your appointment. 
  6. Review your document to determine if witnesses are needed.  If so, notify our office in advance to ensure that we can assist you.
  7. All information provided to the notary public is kept confidential.
  8. Click on the box below to request an appointment. 
click here to request an appointment



Other Notary Service Options

If you need immediate or online assistance, consider the following businesses. This list is not all-inclusive nor is it an endorsement of any vendor.  

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